Minimum 5 passengers for start of Tour
07:0 am Departure to international road to Bolivia and income Lluta Valley, visit Church of St. Jerome in Poconchile, first in the area, visit the Cactus Candelabra, income Parinacota, Pukará pre Inca Tambo Inca Copaquilla Zapahuira farmhouse and Restaurant of Zapahuira honed breakfast coca, gazebo village Socoroma, Putre view virgin memorial our lady of summits, income Lauca National Park watching camelids, Huanacos Llamas Alpacas, Vicuñas, Bofedales Parinacota view Payachatas volcano (Volcano Parinacota and Pomerape) Guallatire Volcano, Join Parinacota village, Lagunas de Cotacotani, shelter and lake Chungará.
Capital return Putre and Arica Province lunch return approx 20:00 hrs arrival.